Repair of pool

The damage in a pool can be caused by several reasons. The repair of the damages of a swimming pool can require maintenance more simple, such as the replacement of gresites loose and sealing of joints, or more complex jobs such as repairing of the structure that form the pool.

Structural repairs of swimming pools

It has been discovered or chop the structural iron affected, cleaning manually or mechanically. Then pasivará the iron with Sika Monotop 910 or similar. Once repaired, the corrugated iron pass to the regeneration of the stand, with a Sika Monotop 612thus leaving a smooth substrate prepared for the replacement of tile in the affected area, and the sealing of joints.






Maintenance of swimming pools

The work of swimming pool maintenance is carried out every 6 years or so, although the pool itself which tells us when it has to review, depending on the products that are used for the maintenance of the waters. The maintenance work must consist in the emptying of swimming pool water, cleaning with water pressure from inside and stone around pool. Once this work, these latest waste water will be evacuated with manual pump. Once clean, the bracket will proceed to the replacement of gresites fallen, and then sealed the joints with a mortar and pestle special. After completion of the repair work or maintenance, and after a few days, it will fill again of water of the swimming pool.



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